Paula, a horribly ugly girl born into a poor family, is unexpectedly hired as a servant for the esteemed Count Velunita's household. However, her master, Sir Vincent Velunita, has been confined to his room, gripped by fear after losing his sight… Until the day he can return to the world, Paula must attend to him alone. In utmost secrecy.
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Good story, well told, flows nicely, still many questions to be answered at chap 20 (and the answers are not obvious ^^). And indeed the FL is refreshing, not a pushover or and idiot depite her terrible background and low status (which are very usuals for FLs ^^… but here it’s definetly not the ML who will save her from whatever ^^ at least not yet !)
Pastel com Garapa
I’m waiting for this to upload, but the plot is new, and the FL is refreshing