For anyone confused, as a 1 ⭐️, his max level is 50, with each ⭐️ having an additional 10 level max up to level 90 for 5⭐️ people.
So with level 65, he’s already surpassed the level of a 2⭐️ person.
Also, the last time his level was even mentioned, it was like 21, and he never said he was close to 50.
So not only did the limit of his max level increase, but he’s been raised at least 15 levels and probably closer to 40 levels.
For anyone confused, as a 1 ⭐️, his max level is 50, with each ⭐️ having an additional 10 level max up to level 90 for 5⭐️ people.
So with level 65, he’s already surpassed the level of a 2⭐️ person.
Also, the last time his level was even mentioned, it was like 21, and he never said he was close to 50.
So not only did the limit of his max level increase, but he’s been raised at least 15 levels and probably closer to 40 levels.